MFEM  v4.6.0
Finite element discretization library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // for details.
12 #include "hdiv_linear_solver.hpp"
13 #include "discrete_divergence.hpp"
14 #include "../../general/forall.hpp"
16 namespace mfem
17 {
19 /// Replace x[i] with 1.0/x[i] for all i.
21 {
22  const int n = x.Size();
23  double *d_x = x.ReadWrite();
24  MFEM_FORALL(i, n, d_x[i] = 1.0/d_x[i]; );
25 }
27 /// Return a new HypreParMatrix with given diagonal entries
29  const ParFiniteElementSpace &fes)
30 {
31  const int n = diag.Size();
33  SparseMatrix diag_spmat;
34  diag_spmat.OverrideSize(n, n);
35  diag_spmat.GetMemoryI().New(n+1, Device::GetDeviceMemoryType());
36  diag_spmat.GetMemoryJ().New(n, Device::GetDeviceMemoryType());
39  {
40  int *I = diag_spmat.WriteI();
41  int *J = diag_spmat.WriteJ();
42  double *A = diag_spmat.WriteData();
43  const double *d_diag = diag.Read();
44  MFEM_FORALL(i, n+1, I[i] = i;);
45  MFEM_FORALL(i, n,
46  {
47  J[i] = i;
48  A[i] = d_diag[i];
49  });
50  }
52  HYPRE_BigInt global_size = fes.GlobalTrueVSize();
53  HYPRE_BigInt *row_starts = fes.GetTrueDofOffsets();
54  HypreParMatrix D(MPI_COMM_WORLD, global_size, row_starts, &diag_spmat);
55  return new HypreParMatrix(D); // make a deep copy
56 }
59 {
60  Mesh *mesh = fes_l2.GetMesh();
61  const FiniteElement *fe = fes_l2.GetFE(0);
62  return MassIntegrator::GetRule(*fe, *fe, *mesh->GetElementTransformation(0));
63 }
66  ParMesh &mesh, ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_rt_, ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_l2_,
67  Coefficient &L_coeff_, Coefficient &R_coeff_, const Array<int> &ess_rt_dofs_,
68  Mode mode_)
69  : minres(mesh.GetComm()),
70  order(fes_rt_.GetMaxElementOrder()),
71  fec_l2(order - 1, mesh.Dimension(), b2, mt),
72  fes_l2(&mesh, &fec_l2),
73  fec_rt(order - 1, mesh.Dimension(), b1, b2),
74  fes_rt(&mesh, &fec_rt),
75  ess_rt_dofs(ess_rt_dofs_),
76  basis_l2(fes_l2_),
77  basis_rt(fes_rt_),
78  convert_map_type(fes_l2_.GetFE(0)->GetMapType() == FiniteElement::VALUE),
79  mass_l2(&fes_l2),
80  mass_rt(&fes_rt),
81  L_coeff(L_coeff_),
82  R_coeff(R_coeff_),
83  mode(mode_),
84  qs(mesh, GetMassIntRule(fes_l2)),
85  W_coeff_qf(qs),
86  W_mix_coeff_qf(qs),
87  W_coeff(W_coeff_qf),
88  W_mix_coeff(W_mix_coeff_qf)
89 {
90  // If the user gives zero L coefficient, switch mode to DARCY_ZERO
91  auto *L_const_coeff = dynamic_cast<ConstantCoefficient*>(&L_coeff);
92  zero_l2_block = (L_const_coeff && L_const_coeff->constant == 0.0);
94  if (mode == Mode::GRAD_DIV)
95  {
96  MFEM_VERIFY(!zero_l2_block,
97  "Mode::GRAD_DIV incompatible with zero coefficient.");
98  }
100  mass_l2.AddDomainIntegrator(new MassIntegrator(W_coeff));
103  mass_rt.AddDomainIntegrator(new VectorFEMassIntegrator(&R_coeff));
106  D.reset(FormDiscreteDivergenceMatrix(fes_rt, fes_l2, ess_rt_dofs));
107  Dt.reset(D->Transpose());
109  // Versions without BCs needed for elimination
110  D_e.reset(FormDiscreteDivergenceMatrix(fes_rt, fes_l2, empty));
111  mass_rt.FormSystemMatrix(empty, R_e);
113  offsets.SetSize(3);
114  offsets[0] = 0;
115  offsets[1] = fes_l2.GetTrueVSize();
116  offsets[2] = offsets[1] + fes_rt.GetTrueVSize();
118  minres.SetAbsTol(0.0);
119  minres.SetRelTol(1e-12);
120  minres.SetMaxIter(500);
122  minres.iterative_mode = false;
124  R_diag.SetSize(fes_rt.GetTrueVSize());
125  L_diag.SetSize(fes_l2.GetTrueVSize());
127  S_inv.SetPrintLevel(0);
129  if (mode == Mode::DARCY && !zero_l2_block)
130  {
131  ParBilinearForm mass_l2_unweighted(&fes_l2);
132  QuadratureFunction det_J_qf(qs);
133  QuadratureFunctionCoefficient det_J_coeff(det_J_qf);
134  if (convert_map_type)
135  {
136  const auto flags = GeometricFactors::DETERMINANTS;
137  auto *geom = fes_l2.GetMesh()->GetGeometricFactors(qs.GetIntRule(0), flags);
138  det_J_qf = geom->detJ;
139  mass_l2_unweighted.AddDomainIntegrator(new MassIntegrator(det_J_coeff));
140  }
141  else
142  {
143  mass_l2_unweighted.AddDomainIntegrator(new MassIntegrator);
144  }
145  mass_l2_unweighted.SetAssemblyLevel(AssemblyLevel::PARTIAL);
146  mass_l2_unweighted.Assemble();
147  const int n_l2 = fes_l2.GetTrueVSize();
148  L_diag_unweighted.SetSize(n_l2);
149  mass_l2_unweighted.AssembleDiagonal(L_diag_unweighted);
150  }
152  Setup();
153 }
156  ParMesh &mesh, ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_rt_, ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_l2_,
157  Coefficient &R_coeff_, const Array<int> &ess_rt_dofs_)
158  : HdivSaddlePointSolver(mesh, fes_rt_, fes_l2_, zero, R_coeff_,
159  ess_rt_dofs_, Mode::DARCY)
160 { }
163 {
164  const auto flags = GeometricFactors::DETERMINANTS;
165  auto *geom = fes_l2.GetMesh()->GetGeometricFactors(qs.GetIntRule(0), flags);
167  if (!zero_l2_block) { L_coeff.Project(W_coeff_qf); }
168  // In "grad-div mode", the transformation matrix is scaled by the coefficient
169  // of the mass and divergence matrices.
170  // In "Darcy mode", the transformation matrix is unweighted.
171  if (mode == Mode::GRAD_DIV) { W_mix_coeff_qf = W_coeff_qf; }
172  else { W_mix_coeff_qf = 1.0; }
174  // The transformation matrix has to be "mixed" value and integral map type,
175  // which means that the coefficient has to be scaled like the Jacobian
176  // determinant.
177  if (convert_map_type)
178  {
179  const int n = W_mix_coeff_qf.Size();
180  const double *d_detJ = geom->detJ.Read();
181  double *d_w_mix = W_mix_coeff_qf.ReadWrite();
182  double *d_w = W_coeff_qf.ReadWrite();
183  const bool zero_l2 = zero_l2_block;
184  MFEM_FORALL(i, n,
185  {
186  const double detJ = d_detJ[i];
187  if (!zero_l2) { d_w[i] *= detJ*detJ; }
188  d_w_mix[i] *= detJ;
189  });
190  }
192  L_inv.reset(new DGMassInverse(fes_l2, W_mix_coeff));
194  if (zero_l2_block)
195  {
196  A_11.reset();
197  }
198  else
199  {
200  mass_l2.Assemble();
201  mass_l2.AssembleDiagonal(L_diag);
202  mass_l2.FormSystemMatrix(empty, L);
204  A_11.reset(new RAPOperator(*L_inv, *L, *L_inv));
206  if (mode == GRAD_DIV)
207  {
208  L_diag_unweighted.SetSize(L_diag.Size());
210  BilinearForm mass_l2_mix(&fes_l2);
211  mass_l2_mix.AddDomainIntegrator(new MassIntegrator(W_mix_coeff));
213  mass_l2_mix.Assemble();
214  mass_l2_mix.AssembleDiagonal(L_diag_unweighted);
215  }
217  const double *d_L_diag_unweighted = L_diag_unweighted.Read();
218  double *d_L_diag = L_diag.ReadWrite();
219  MFEM_FORALL(i, L_diag.Size(),
220  {
221  const double d = d_L_diag_unweighted[i];
222  d_L_diag[i] /= d*d;
223  });
224  }
226  // Reassemble the RT mass operator with the new coefficient
227  mass_rt.Update();
228  mass_rt.Assemble();
229  mass_rt.FormSystemMatrix(ess_rt_dofs, R);
231  // Form the updated approximate Schur complement
232  mass_rt.AssembleDiagonal(R_diag);
234  // Update the mass RT diagonal for essential DOFs
235  {
236  const int *d_I = ess_rt_dofs.Read();
237  double *d_R_diag = R_diag.ReadWrite();
238  MFEM_FORALL(i, ess_rt_dofs.Size(), d_R_diag[d_I[i]] = 1.0;);
239  }
241  // Form the approximate Schur complement
242  {
243  Reciprocal(R_diag);
244  std::unique_ptr<HypreParMatrix> R_diag_inv(MakeDiagonalMatrix(R_diag, fes_rt));
245  if (zero_l2_block)
246  {
247  S.reset(RAP(R_diag_inv.get(), Dt.get()));
248  }
249  else
250  {
251  std::unique_ptr<HypreParMatrix> D_Minv_Dt(RAP(R_diag_inv.get(), Dt.get()));
252  std::unique_ptr<HypreParMatrix> L_diag_inv(MakeDiagonalMatrix(L_diag, fes_l2));
253  S.reset(ParAdd(D_Minv_Dt.get(), L_diag_inv.get()));
254  }
255  }
257  // Reassemble the preconditioners
258  R_inv.reset(new OperatorJacobiSmoother(mass_rt, ess_rt_dofs));
259  S_inv.SetOperator(*S);
261  // Set up the block operators
262  A_block.reset(new BlockOperator(offsets));
263  // Omit the (1,1)-block when the L coefficient is identically zero.
264  if (A_11) { A_block->SetBlock(0, 0, A_11.get()); }
265  A_block->SetBlock(0, 1, D.get());
266  A_block->SetBlock(1, 0, Dt.get());
267  A_block->SetBlock(1, 1, R.Ptr(), -1.0);
269  D_prec.reset(new BlockDiagonalPreconditioner(offsets));
270  D_prec->SetDiagonalBlock(0, &S_inv);
271  D_prec->SetDiagonalBlock(1, R_inv.get());
273  minres.SetPreconditioner(*D_prec);
274  minres.SetOperator(*A_block);
275 }
278 {
279  const int n_ess_dofs = ess_rt_dofs.Size();
280  if (fes_l2.GetParMesh()->ReduceInt(n_ess_dofs) == 0) { return; }
282  const int n_l2 = offsets[1];
283  const int n_rt = offsets[2]-offsets[1];
284  Vector bE(b, 0, n_l2);
285  Vector bF(b, n_l2, n_rt);
287  // SetBC must be called first
288  MFEM_VERIFY(x_bc.Size() == n_rt || n_ess_dofs == 0, "BCs not set");
290  // Create a vector z that has the BC values at essential DOFs, zero elsewhere
291  z.SetSize(n_rt);
292  z.UseDevice(true);
293  z = 0.0;
294  const int *d_I = ess_rt_dofs.Read();
295  const double *d_x_bc = x_bc.Read();
296  double *d_z = z.ReadWrite();
297  MFEM_FORALL(i, n_ess_dofs,
298  {
299  const int j = d_I[i];
300  d_z[j] = d_x_bc[j];
301  });
303  // Convert to the IntegratedGLL basis used internally
304  w.SetSize(n_rt);
305  basis_rt.MultInverse(z, w);
307  // Eliminate the BCs in the L2 RHS
308  D_e->Mult(-1.0, w, 1.0, bE);
310  // Eliminate the BCs in the RT RHS
311  // Flip the sign because the R block appears with multiplier -1
312  z.SetSize(n_rt);
313  R_e->Mult(w, z);
314  bF += z;
316  // Insert the RT BCs into the RHS at the essential DOFs.
317  const double *d_w = w.Read();
318  double *d_bF = bF.ReadWrite(); // Need read-write access to set subvector
319  MFEM_FORALL(i, n_ess_dofs,
320  {
321  const int j = d_I[i];
322  d_bF[j] = -d_w[j];
323  });
325  // Make sure the monolithic RHS is updated
326  bE.SyncAliasMemory(b);
327  bF.SyncAliasMemory(b);
328 }
331 {
332  w.SetSize(fes_l2.GetTrueVSize());
333  b_prime.SetSize(b.Size());
334  x_prime.SetSize(x.Size());
336  // Transform RHS to the IntegratedGLL basis
337  Vector bE_prime(b_prime, offsets[0], offsets[1]-offsets[0]);
338  Vector bF_prime(b_prime, offsets[1], offsets[2]-offsets[1]);
340  const Vector bE(const_cast<Vector&>(b), offsets[0], offsets[1]-offsets[0]);
341  const Vector bF(const_cast<Vector&>(b), offsets[1], offsets[2]-offsets[1]);
343  z.SetSize(bE.Size());
344  basis_l2.MultTranspose(bE, z);
345  basis_rt.MultTranspose(bF, bF_prime);
346  // Transform by the inverse of the L2 mass matrix
347  L_inv->Mult(z, bE_prime);
349  // Update the monolithic transformed RHS
350  bE_prime.SyncAliasMemory(b_prime);
351  bF_prime.SyncAliasMemory(b_prime);
353  // Eliminate the RT essential BCs
354  EliminateBC(b_prime);
356  // Solve the transformed system
357  minres.Mult(b_prime, x_prime);
359  // Transform the solution back to the user's basis
360  Vector xE_prime(x_prime, offsets[0], offsets[1]-offsets[0]);
361  Vector xF_prime(x_prime, offsets[1], offsets[2]-offsets[1]);
363  Vector xE(x, offsets[0], offsets[1]-offsets[0]);
364  Vector xF(x, offsets[1], offsets[2]-offsets[1]);
366  z.SetSize(bE.Size()); // Size of z may have changed in EliminateBC
367  L_inv->Mult(xE_prime, z);
369  basis_l2.Mult(z, xE);
370  basis_rt.Mult(xF_prime, xF);
372  // Update the monolithic solution vector
373  xE.SyncAliasMemory(x);
374  xF.SyncAliasMemory(x);
375 }
377 } // namespace mfem
const T * Read(bool on_dev=true) const
Shortcut for mfem::Read(a.GetMemory(), a.Size(), on_dev).
Definition: array.hpp:307
Abstract class for all finite elements.
Definition: fe_base.hpp:233
void EliminateBC(Vector &) const
Eliminates the BCs (called internally, not public interface).
Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint.
Definition: intrules.hpp:96
void Assemble(int skip_zeros=1)
Assembles the form i.e. sums over all domain/bdr integrators.
A coefficient that is constant across space and time.
Definition: coefficient.hpp:84
const GeometricFactors * GetGeometricFactors(const IntegrationRule &ir, const int flags, MemoryType d_mt=MemoryType::DEFAULT)
Return the mesh geometric factors corresponding to the given integration rule.
Definition: mesh.cpp:847
void SetSize(int s)
Resize the vector to size s.
Definition: vector.hpp:517
virtual void UseDevice(bool use_dev) const
Enable execution of Vector operations using the mfem::Device.
Definition: vector.hpp:115
virtual void Mult(const Vector &b, Vector &x) const
Operator application: y=A(x).
Definition: solvers.cpp:1614
void MultInverse(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
int Size() const
Returns the size of the vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:197
void MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const override
Action of the transpose operator: y=A^t(x). The default behavior in class Operator is to generate an ...
virtual const double * Read(bool on_dev=true) const
Shortcut for mfem::Read(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev).
Definition: vector.hpp:453
virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const =0
Operator application: y=A(x).
void SetAssemblyLevel(AssemblyLevel assembly_level)
Set the desired assembly level.
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition: pfespace.hpp:28
bool iterative_mode
If true, use the second argument of Mult() as an initial guess.
Definition: operator.hpp:686
void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const override
Operator application: y=A(x).
Memory< double > & GetMemoryData()
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:269
Memory< int > & GetMemoryI()
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:237
virtual const FiniteElement * GetFE(int i) const
Returns pointer to the FiniteElement in the FiniteElementCollection associated with i&#39;th element in t...
Definition: fespace.cpp:2841
virtual void Update(FiniteElementSpace *nfes=NULL)
Update the FiniteElementSpace and delete all data associated with the old one.
Memory< int > & GetMemoryJ()
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:253
void Setup()
Build the linear operator and solver. Must be called when the coefficients change.
void Mult(const Vector &b, Vector &x) const override
Solve the linear system for L2 (scalar) and RT (flux) unknowns.
Quadrature function coefficient which requires that the quadrature rules used for this coefficient be...
virtual void SetPreconditioner(Solver &pr)
This should be called before SetOperator.
Definition: solvers.hpp:616
virtual void SetPrintLevel(int print_lvl)
Legacy method to set the level of verbosity of the solver output.
Definition: solvers.cpp:71
A class to handle Block diagonal preconditioners in a matrix-free implementation. ...
Data type sparse matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:50
virtual void AssembleDiagonal(Vector &diag) const
Assemble the diagonal of the bilinear form into diag. Note that diag is a true-dof Vector...
Jacobi smoothing for a given bilinear form (no matrix necessary).
Definition: solvers.hpp:302
double b
Definition: lissajous.cpp:42
static MemoryType GetDeviceMemoryType()
Get the current Device MemoryType. This is the MemoryType used by most MFEM classes when allocating m...
Definition: device.hpp:273
void SetPrintLevel(int print_level)
Definition: hypre.hpp:1670
virtual void AssembleDiagonal(Vector &diag) const
Assemble the diagonal of the bilinear form into diag. Note that diag is a tdof Vector.
ParMesh * GetParMesh() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:273
static const IntegrationRule & GetRule(const FiniteElement &trial_fe, const FiniteElement &test_fe, ElementTransformation &Trans)
void SetMaxIter(int max_it)
Definition: solvers.hpp:201
void Assemble(int skip_zeros=1)
Assemble the local matrix.
The operator x -> R*A*P*x constructed through the actions of R^T, A and P.
Definition: operator.hpp:794
int * WriteI(bool on_dev=true)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:241
virtual void SetOperator(const Operator &op)
Also calls SetOperator for the preconditioner if there is one.
Definition: solvers.cpp:1593
long long ReduceInt(int value) const override
Utility function: sum integers from all processors (Allreduce).
Definition: pmesh.cpp:6288
void RAP(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &P, DenseMatrix &RAP)
Definition: densemat.cpp:3232
HYPRE_BigInt GlobalTrueVSize() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:281
Mesh * GetMesh() const
Returns the mesh.
Definition: fespace.hpp:555
void SetAbsTol(double atol)
Definition: solvers.hpp:200
void SetRelTol(double rtol)
Definition: solvers.hpp:199
Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of...
Definition: fespace.hpp:219
Base class Coefficients that optionally depend on space and time. These are used by the BilinearFormI...
Definition: coefficient.hpp:41
Which type of saddle-point problem is being solved?
const IntegrationRule & GetMassIntRule(FiniteElementSpace &fes_l2)
Solve the H(div) saddle-point system using MINRES with matrix-free block-diagonal preconditioning...
void SetSize(int nsize)
Change the logical size of the array, keep existing entries.
Definition: array.hpp:687
const IntegrationRule & GetIntRule(int idx) const
Return the IntegrationRule associated with entity idx.
Definition: qspace.hpp:73
HypreParMatrix * ParAdd(const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *B)
Returns the matrix A + B.
Definition: hypre.cpp:2813
int * WriteJ(bool on_dev=true)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:257
virtual int GetTrueVSize() const
Return the number of local vector true dofs.
Definition: pfespace.hpp:285
HypreParMatrix * MakeDiagonalMatrix(Vector &diag, const ParFiniteElementSpace &fes)
Return a new HypreParMatrix with given diagonal entries.
virtual void FormSystemMatrix(const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, OperatorHandle &A)
Form the linear system matrix A, see FormLinearSystem() for details.
A "square matrix" operator for the associated FE space and BLFIntegrators The sum of all the BLFInteg...
virtual double * ReadWrite(bool on_dev=true)
Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev).
Definition: vector.hpp:469
void GetElementTransformation(int i, IsoparametricTransformation *ElTr)
Definition: mesh.cpp:355
void SyncAliasMemory(const Vector &v) const
Update the alias memory location of the vector to match v.
Definition: vector.hpp:238
virtual void SetOperator(const Operator &op)
Set/update the solver for the given operator.
Definition: hypre.cpp:4938
void New(int size)
Allocate host memory for size entries with the current host memory type returned by MemoryManager::Ge...
HypreParMatrix * FormDiscreteDivergenceMatrix(ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_rt, ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_l2, const Array< int > &ess_dofs)
void MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const override
Action of the transpose operator: y=A^t(x). The default behavior in class Operator is to generate an ...
void Reciprocal(Vector &x)
Replace x[i] with 1.0/x[i] for all i.
void AddDomainIntegrator(BilinearFormIntegrator *bfi)
Adds new Domain Integrator. Assumes ownership of bfi.
void OverrideSize(int height_, int width_)
Sets the height and width of the matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:297
Class for parallel bilinear form.
Operator * Ptr() const
Access the underlying Operator pointer.
Definition: handle.hpp:87
virtual void Project(QuadratureFunction &qf)
Fill the QuadratureFunction qf by evaluating the coefficient at the quadrature points.
Definition: coefficient.cpp:51
int Size() const
Return the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.hpp:141
Vector data type.
Definition: vector.hpp:58
HdivSaddlePointSolver(ParMesh &mesh_, ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_rt_, ParFiniteElementSpace &fes_l2_, Coefficient &L_coeff_, Coefficient &R_coeff_, const Array< int > &ess_rt_dofs_, Mode mode_)
Creates a solver for the H(div) saddle-point system.
Wrapper for hypre&#39;s ParCSR matrix class.
Definition: hypre.hpp:343
A class to handle Block systems in a matrix-free implementation.
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition: pmesh.hpp:32
HYPRE_BigInt * GetTrueDofOffsets() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:278
Represents values or vectors of values at quadrature points on a mesh.
Definition: qfunction.hpp:23
Settings for the output behavior of the IterativeSolver.
Definition: solvers.hpp:78
Solver for the discontinuous Galerkin mass matrix.
Definition: dgmassinv.hpp:27
double * WriteData(bool on_dev=true)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:273