MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
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lor_util.hpp File Reference

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namespace  mfem


MFEM_HOST_DEVICE real_t mfem::Det2D (DeviceMatrix &J)
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE real_t mfem::Det3D (DeviceMatrix &J)
template<int ORDER, int SDIM = 2>
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::LORVertexCoordinates2D (const real_t *X, int iel_ho, int kx, int ky, real_t **v)
template<int ORDER>
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::LORVertexCoordinates3D (const real_t *X, int iel_ho, int kx, int ky, int kz, real_t vx[8], real_t vy[8], real_t vz[8])
template<int SDIM = 2>
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::Jacobian2D (const real_t x, const real_t y, real_t **v, DeviceMatrix &J)
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::Jacobian2D< 2 > (const real_t x, const real_t y, real_t **v, DeviceMatrix &J)
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::Jacobian2D< 3 > (const real_t x, const real_t y, real_t **v, DeviceMatrix &J)
template<int ORDER, int SDIM, bool RT, bool ND>
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::SetupLORQuadData2D (const real_t *X, int iel_ho, int kx, int ky, DeviceTensor< 3 > &Q, bool piola)
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::Jacobian3D (const real_t x, const real_t y, const real_t z, const real_t vx[8], const real_t vy[8], const real_t vz[8], DeviceMatrix &J)
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void mfem::Adjugate3D (const DeviceMatrix &J, DeviceMatrix &A)